Ok, so how many of you have heard of the low carb diet? How many of you are trying to just cut down on your starchy, white foods? Health reasons or not, here is the best substitute for traditional mashed potatoes I’ve found so far! So creamy and delicious with virtually the same appearance and texture of mashed potatoes that I doubt anyone would know the difference. In fact, I’d guess everyone will be asking for seconds. This version is easy to make and virtually foolproof, so get in the kitchen and start cooking!

One head of cauliflower (or a bag of frozen cauliflower florets)
1 Tbls. Olive Oil
Between 1/4 to 1 cup of coconut milk (you can use regular milk or almond milk as substitutes, but coconut milk gives it a really nice creamy and sweet taste)
Salt and pepper to taste

– Steam cauliflower until tender.
– warm the olive oil in a separate cooking pot and transfer cooked cauliflower to the same pot.
– Add about a 1/4 cup of coconut milk and using an immersion blender, blend all ingredients together. Add more milk as necessary to get to the creamy consistency you are looking for. (You could also place all ingredients in a food processor of blender if you don’t have an immersion blender. Just return all ingredients to stove top for reheating and adding more milk.)
– Add salt and pepper or whatever spices you like.
